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201 entries.
Gayle Brownlie Gayle Brownlie wrote on June 26, 2009
I\'m trying to find out more information on John Charles Cunningham. He was killed on 9th April 1945, however I have no information on the circumstances. I think the other members of his crew were: Duncan, Robert Allison Jensen, Arne Paul Taylor, Arthur McLellan Thorp, Arthur Walker, James Dickson I understand that he was my grandfather and would like to learn more about him.
Faye Romanchuk Faye Romanchuk wrote on June 22, 2009
Am looking for any relatives of suvivors of the Patricia Bay Hampden crash of Sept 19/1943 on a training exercise off the British Columbia coast. The air gunner I believe was my father, who I never met. I understand they found the airplane but no this correct? There were four on board this plane, Dobie, Frost, Bateman and France. Thanks so kindly. Faye R.
Bernard F Baker Bernie Bernard F Baker Bernie wrote on May 30, 2009
Served on SHORAN Detachments - Yellowkinife, Churchill, Goose Bay and Frobisher Bay. Interested in contacting anyone who served with the Sqn at Rockliffe, particularly the members of the Hoot-en-nanny Club - i.e. Stretch MacNeil and other operators. Retired from the Cdn Forces in 1984 as a CFR Capt.
Angela Fish Angela Fish wrote on November 19, 2008
I am trying to find out more about my fathers wartime exploits with the squadron he was a flight seargent engineer flying halifaxes from linton his pilot was I think called lou pitou I would like any info poss thanks
Tony Tony wrote on November 18, 2008
Found this site while looking for information in regards to my cousin F/O Wilbert Timmins of Lancaster Mk II, LL699, coded EQ-C. He and his crew were lost over Brunswick on Jan 14, 1944. Also seeking information on F/O W. Glen who became POW and only survivor of this crew.Would appreciate ANY information on any of this crew, listed here Sgt Tattersfield, F/O W. Glen, F/Sgt A. Williams, F/Sgt G. Deighton, F/Sgt M. Wiper and Sgt Leo Carr.
Alison Woods Alison Woods wrote on November 16, 2008
I am hoping someone can remember my great uncle Ronald. He was a Sgt (Flt/Engr) and died November 24 1943 at 20 years old. We know nothing of that day, other than we think he was shot down. Any photos, information or even stories from anyone who remembers him would be really great for my mother. Thank you.
Russell Hennessey Sam Russell Hennessey Sam wrote on October 20, 2008
Flew as ECM Technician from Aug 1958 to Feb 1961. Absolutely great memories almost 5 years and 530 hours in a AR-Lanc. Wonderful experience, great people.
Hazel Ross Hazel Ross wrote on October 15, 2008
My uncle Thomas Leith- Ross was in the RAF but was killed on 13/06/1943 with an RCAF Crew from 408 Squadron. The plane was Halifax11 JB-790 coded EQ-V The other members of the crew were SGT A Rayment Sgt N Bainblatt Sgt J Forrest Sgt D. Hutchinson ( all taken POW) Does anyone know any of the crew or what happened on that night of 12/13th June 1943?
Dr.George Edward Cragg Dr.George Edward Cragg wrote on March 23, 2008
My 82 year old father Dr. George Edward Cragg finally told us what he did in the war, he was with the Precision #408 Squadron Bomber Command #5,he said he had 19 successful bombing runs and many photo recon runs one he said he and his crew won a prize for taking the best photos in broad daylight of some dams on the Ruhr Valley today we know the raid as \"The Dam Busters\" yet there is no mention of the other\'s who made this happen. Is there any of my fathers original crew still alive today? The 20th run was not a success they were jumped by a squadron of german fighters there only chance was to fly very low so the fighters could not get below them he said by the time they got to tree level they were doomed he put the plane down in a farmers field to there surprize the German farmers took care of them and saw to it that they hooked up with the allied forces approaching
tanky tanky wrote on February 22, 2008
Mark Grayson Mark Grayson wrote on February 6, 2008
I am a Civilian Instructor with No 1260 Air Training Corp, Newark Nottinghamshire. For those who don’t know, the Air Training Corp in the UK has young Men and Women aged 13-18 in its ranks. It gives them a valuable insight into life in the Military and teaches them many valuable life skills. During WW2 some Cadets served on RAF Bases in the UK. I am after information on Cadet Keith Rollason Couzin-Wood. Keith was only 16 when he died on 27/7/1942. He lies in a Commonwealth War grave in Newark, so I am assuming that he was serving at the time of his death. The records of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission show that he was possibly attached to 408 Sqn. I think the link is good as he died at the time that 408 Sqn were based at RAF Balderton. RAF Balderton has now completely vanished under a road, a housing estate or farm land, no more than 5 miles from this Youngman’s grave. He may have died in an accident or through illness. Either way at 16 I am keen for the Cadets at Newark to show their respects and mark his passing. Any help or info appreciated please as this young man, like many resting in Newark was not a local lad. Regards Mark
Pete Pete wrote on February 3, 2008
My uncle,serving with 408 was lost night of 9 Nov 1941 Sgt Evan B.T.M.Robertson,Buried with the other crew members in Westkerke Churchyard,the smallest Comonweath War Graves Commission cemetary.Can someone answer a question? All records say 408 was flying Hamptons at the time.My uncle was Observer on a Wellington the night he was killed.The pilot was a Canadian,wireless operator and gunner English,and my uncle a New Zealander.Crew of 4,so it was a Wellington
Wg Cdr Jim Squires Wg Cdr Jim Squires wrote on December 21, 2007
My late uncle (at the time) Sgt James Albert Squires 1623565 flew as second pilot with 408 Sqn from Aug to Dec 1944 to gain operational experience following his flying training in Canada.
Linda Linda wrote on December 13, 2007
Researching Flight Sargeant Reginald M. Hicks, killed in action July 4, 1943. Others in crew: J.C.M. Taylor, A.R. Warnick, A.B. Foster, T. Riley, A.E. Kelly. P.E. Cote taken POW.
Lieutenant Navy Chovin Lieutenant Navy Chovin wrote on November 8, 2007
Signing the guest book in honor of Gordon Currie. He was killed on the 21st January 1944, tail gunner. Know very little of him. If anyone can provide information, please send me an email. Any photos would be great. His place of rest was discovered November 8th 2007, 63 years later.