Flight Lieutenant Newton Reid Brydon

My grandfather, Flight Lieutenant Newton Reid Brydon DFC served with the 408 Squadron in World War 2. He completed 47 bombing raids. No small task! He enlisted with his brother. Unfortunately his brother was killed after one week of action. Newton stayed in until the job was done. My mother just found a speech that he gave to a group of students in Hope BC where he lived in his later years. I sent it to my daughters principal today where she read it to the whole school. I hope…

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408 Squadron Association would like to tell your story

Tell Us Your Story! As we take time around Remembrance Day to remember those who served, and especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, the 408 Squadron Association is looking to capture stories about former 408 Squadron personnel. Whether you served with 408 Squadron yourself, or one of your family members served with us, we would like to share your story on our Association website. Although our focus will be on members who served during the Second World War, we encourage memories from those who served during any era of…

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408 Squadron flies the C-130B

408 Squadron flies the C-130Bby Captain Joel Possberg Within 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron often stands out: blue berets in a sea of green. We’re the only Royal Canadian Air Force presence at CFB Edmonton, the former RCAF Station Namao, which hosted some of the fixed-wing aircraft our squadron formerly flew. We have been operating helicopters for so long now – nearly 50 years – that day to day memories of our former time as a “true blue air force” squadron have more or less been…

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