Molly “Mother Goose” Rayner Memorial Scholarship


                408 “Goose” Squadron Association is proud to sponsor the Molly “Mother Goose” Rayner Memorial Scholarship. The funding for this Scholarship has been provided by the estate of Henrietta May “Molly” Rayner, AKA Mother Goose, for the purposes of establishing an academic scholarship fund. The 408 Squadron Association has dedicated the Scholarship to Molly and the short version title is “The Mother Goose Memorial Scholarship”. Mother Goose was renowned for her care and love of the men and women at 408 Squadron during the harrowing days of Bomber Command in the early 1940’s. In her memory the 408 Squadron Association wants to ensure that the children, and grandchildren, of past and present 408 Squadron Members have the opportunity to receive financial assistance towards furthering their education, with this $1500 scholarship.

Applicants will be subject to the requirements below.

Applicant Eligibility

Ø  The applicant must be finishing, or have finished, their final year of high school;

Ø  The applicant must provide a copy of their final marks for their final year of high school;

Ø  The applicant must be accepted to a recognized post-secondary education institute. This includes, but is not limited to, all universities, colleges, and technical institutes;

Ø  The applicant must be between 17 and 24 years of age;

Ø  And, the parent, or grandparent, is a current member of 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron or a past 408 Squadron member and current member of the 408 “Goose” Squadron Association in good standing.  Legal guardians of orphaned children and surviving spouses with custody of the children, or grandchildren, of past members of 408 Squadron who maintain good standing in their membership with 408 “Goose” Squadron Association are also allowed to have those dependents apply. ). A sibling of a 408 Squadron member or past member in good standing with the 408 “Goose” Squadron Association is eligible to apply if the individual meets all other requirements in Annex A.

Application Requirements

Ø  The applicant must complete the applicant form attached;

Ø  The applicant must provide a complete resume. The focus of the resume should be towards the judging criteria provided in the main document;

Ø  The applicant will be required to provide an acceptance letter or enrolment verification document prior to the funds being released to the applicant.

Ø  The applicant must provide two references who are not immediate family members. (Teacher, employer, community group leader, Cadet Unit Commanding Officer, etc.);

Ø  And, submissions must be submitted to the Chair of the 408 “Goose” Squadron Association no later than 01 June for the upcoming academic year.


                It is important that all applicant requirements are met, or the application will not be considered. If verification of enrolment at a suitable post-secondary institution is not provided by 30 July of the academic year, the bursary will be given to the next applicant in ranking. Applicants who are successful will be notified by 15 July of the academic year.

After downloading the form, you can print, sign, scan the pages and Email the Form:
Subject: “Scholarship Application”